A selection of completed museum projects and initiatives that I have been involved with, either as an independent consultant or as a subcontractor with or employee of a design firm or other creative entity.
*All images on this page are copyrighted by the original photographer and may not be used without written permission.
Select Projects: Jackie Peterson | Exhibit Services, Independent Consulting and Curation

Northwest African American Museum | Seattle, WA
Bold As Love: Jimi Hendrix at Home (Temporary Exhibition)
November 2018 - May 2019
Role: Guest Curator and Project Manager
- Developed project timeline and coordinated project workflow with other project contractors and contributors
- Worked closely with Janie Hendrix and team at Experience Hendrix LLC and Authentic Hendrix LLC to develop the exhibition concept and themes, supported by original artifacts from Jimi's life, as well as imagery from throughout his life and career
- Researched and procured supplemental archival images, objects and media
- Wrote all exhibit text and labels
Exhibition Summary:
The much anticipated exhibit, Bold As Love: Jimi Hendrix at Home, offers a rare and detailed look at Jimi’s Seattle origins through the lens of those closest to him and by his own artistic eyes. Through archival and family photos, his own artwork, personal artifacts, music, and multimedia, visitors will discover how the icon’s Seattle upbringing shaped his life and career. The collection of art and visual effects is being billed as more than an exhibition, but an experience that will take museum guests on a journey into the life of James Marshall “Jimi” Hendrix, whose rise to stardom was meteoric, but whose feet never left the ground.
*This exhibition was the recipient of the Association of King County Historical Organization’s 2019 Exhibition Award.

Center for Architecture and Design, Seattle Architecture Foundation | Seattle, WA
Community by Design: Main Streets in a Changing America (Temporary Exhibition)
April - June 2017
Role: Guest Curator
- Developed project timeline and coordinated project workflow with Seattle Architecture Foundation (SAF), SAF advisory committee and other project contractors
- Researched and procured archival images and supplemental objects/media
- Wrote all exhibit text and labels
- Provided social media interface for online engagement with exhibition and Main Street America
- Oversaw exhibit installation
Exhibition Summary:
Presented by the Seattle Architecture Foundation, the exhibit showcased the success stories of the Main Street America program and other revitalization models that have positively impacted communities across the country. The Main Street America program empowers community members to be change-makers, to leverage the power of place to develop desirable cities and towns emblematic of our uniquely American identity. This exhibit presented several unique case studies from small rural towns to urban centers.

Northwest African American Museum | Seattle, WA
The Atomic Frontier: Black Life at Hanford (Temporary Exhibition)
October 2015 - May 2016
Role: Guest Curator
- Shaped and finalized curatorial concept for exhibit in consultation with community stakeholders
- Selected objects to be included in the exhibit in consultation with NAAM and secured loans
- Performed image research and secured print-quality digital images for exhibit display
- Developed color palette and layout of exhibit, including recommendations for physical exhibit structures
- Wrote all exhibit text panels and labels
- Oversaw and participated in installation of the exhibit
Exhibition Summary:
The Atomic Frontier: Black Life at Hanford explores the experiences of the brave black men and women who migrated west to participate in the secrecy of the Manhattan Project and, in doing so, helped the US to win World War II. Using declassified photographs, documents, and objects from the US Department of Energy as well as oral histories of former Hanford workers and their descendants, Secrets on the Homefront: Black Life at Hanford, the Atomic Frontier offers a unique lens on this infamous chapter of American and world history. In partnership with several state archives and the Tri-Cities African American Community Cultural and Educational Society, NAAM presents the story of a pioneering community who ventured into the unknown in hopes of creating a better future for their families, their people and the world.

Museum of Impact | New York, NY
#MovementIsRising Exhibition (Pop-Up / Mobile Museum)
Launched at the Raw Space Gallery in New York City, September 2015
Role: Exhibition Consultant
Concept Development
- Developed exhibit concept and overarching exhibit elements
- Advised on exhibit flow, interactivity, visitor circulation and fabrication materials and techniques
Project Management
- Developed project schedule and budget projections
- Managed workflow for several artists participating in the exhibit
Exhibition Summary:
Museum of Impact is the world’s first social justice museum, 'Curating the Current' & 'Archiving the Now'! We examine art and activism through a social justice lens.
The #MovementIsRising pop-up exhibit is a carefully curated selection of mixed media aimed at connecting visitors to the challenge and triumph of #BlackLivesMatter and other social activism. This show illuminates the human rights injustices perpetrated against people of color, via systemic oppression and racialized violence, and the pushback of strategic movements sparked around the nation in response to the unrest. By ripping straight from the headlines, #MovementisRising highlights conversations around Ferguson, Staten Island and beyond, through newsreels, sound bites, think pieces, images, sculptures and art.
Select Projects: In Collaboration with EDX Exhibits, Seattle (Freelance/Subcontractor)

Northwest African American Museum | Seattle, WA
Power to the People: Seattle Black Panther Party at 50 Years (Temporary Exhibition)
April – November 2018
Role: Exhibit Writer
- Interview living members of the Seattle Chapter of the Black Panthers for exhibit content, quotes, etc.
- Research and generate sources for archival images
- Write all exhibit text and labels
Exhibition Summary:
The Power to the People exhibit commemorates the origins, contributions, and living legacies of the Seattle Chapter of the Black Panther Party. In celebrating our 50th anniversary, the Seattle Chapter of the Black Panther Party (SCBPP) invites youth and young adults throughout the Seattle area to join us, especially students who are currently involved with Black Student Union (BSU) chapters at local high schools, colleges and universities. Collaborating directly with young people, SCBPP seeks to reignite our mission and stand up for the right to land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace.
Catocin Mountain Park | Thurmont, MD
Visitor Center Exhibits
(2016 – 2017)
Role: Exhibit developer and writer
- Research exhibition topics and develop exhibition narrative in collaboration with EDX and park staff
- Research and acquire supplemental images and audio content outside of park collection holdings
- Participate in exhibition planning and design review meetings with EDX and park staff
- Write all exhibit text and labels
Project Description and Summary:
Catoctin's diverse cultural resources provide several vignettes of our nation's history in one small location. Native Americans quarried rhyolite for the production of lithic tools. A charcoal and iron industry is still visible today, along with smaller industries including farms, sawmills, and an old moonshine still. Historic structures and products of the Works Progress Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps, along with the site of our nation's first Job Corps Center, are tangible reminders of the capability of vigorous youth programs to strengthen the nation's economic and social fabric. The totality of resources found in Catoctin Mountain Park reflects much of the early fabric of our country.
EDX Exhibits was hired to refresh and create a new permanent exhibition for Catoctin's Visitor Center that would update the park's story, add interactive elements and give the space an updated look and feel.
Select Projects: In Collaboration with Studio Aorta

Oregon Black Pioneers, Letitia Carson Legacy Project | OR
Letitia Carson: An Enduring Spirit of Hope and Freedom (Pop-up Traveling Exhibition)
Launched December 2022; ongoing
Role: Exhibit Developer and Writer
- Research exhibition subject and develop exhibition narrative
- Research and acquire supplemental images outside of Letitia Carson Legacy Project collection holdings
- Participate in exhibition planning and design review meetings with Letitia Carson Legacy Project stakeholders
- Write all exhibit text and labels
Project Description and Summary:
Letitia Carson was a Black Oregon homesteader, farmer and matriarch living in the time of Oregon’s exclusion laws. This eight-panel pop-up exhibit tells the story of Letitia’s transition from enslaved woman to landowner, and how her persistence and grit carved pathways for Black and Indigenous Oregonians today.
JPES and Studio Aorta were hired to design a pop-up traveling exhibition with a contemporary look and feel that told the remarkable story of Letitia Carson and her impact on the state of Oregon. The designs and exhibit script made use of the archaeological and archival visual materials collected by partners and researchers working with the Letitia Carson Legacy Project.
Project List, Jackie Peterson | Exhibit Services, Independent Consulting
Interpretive Concept Study | Arthur Ashe Legacy Project at UCLA
In collaboration with Studio Aorta
Role: Interpretive Planner
Description: Develop an interpretive concept study and plan for a new interpretive experience for the Arthur Ashe Legacy Project at UCLA. Surveyed existing project assets, oral histories, and stakeholder input to create a thematic concept study to be used as the foundation for a new exhibit and digital engagement projects.
Elevate | Historical Research for the Inaugural Year of Seattle Theatre Group’s Community Spoken Word Program
In collaboration with Stephanie Johnson-Tolivery of Black Heritage Society of WA and historian Ryan Anthony Donaldson
Role: Researcher and writer
Description: Research the history of segregation and discrimination, particularly toward Black patrons, of the Moore Theatre, the oldest remaining theatre in Seattle and one of three venues owned and operated by STG. Compile a research brief for STG that serves as the foundation for the Elevate program: a youth-of-color-developed spoken word event inspired by the history of each of STG theatre.
Central District: Seattle's hub for Black culture and community | A walking tour developed for HistoryLink.org
HistoryLink.org (Washington’s online encyclopedia)
Role: Researcher and writer
Description: Develop, research and write walking tour content for a selection of African American Heritage sites along the 23rd Street corridor in Seattle’s Central District
Rooted: African American Heritage and Culture in King County (Web-based tour for Revisiting Washington)
In partnership with the Washington Trust for Historic Preservation and the Black Heritage Society of Washington
Role: Researcher and writer
Description: Develop, research and write tour content for a selection of African American Heritage sites in King County, WA, including image and oral history selections in collaboration with the Black Heritage Society, Shelf Life Stories, and Converge Media.
Edwin T. Pratt: Seattle’s Pillar of Black Cultural Excellence (Temporary Exhibition)
Pratt Fine Arts Center in partnership with the Northwest African American Museum, Seattle, WA
Role: Writer, Exhibition Introduction
Description: Researched and wrote text panel for exhibition highlighting the work and legacy of activist and civic leader, Edwin T. Pratt
Project List, EDX Seattle (Freelance/Subcontractor)
Fort Frederica National Monument, Visitor Center Exhibits
St. Simons Island, GA
Role: Content Developer and Writer
Description: Developed exhibits and text for Fort Frederica’s Visitor Center, engaging visitors in the park’s colonial history through its present-day archaeological significance and impact.
Weir Farm National Historical Park, Visitor Center and Historic Home and Studios Exhibits
Wilton, CT
Role: Content Developer and Writer
Description: Developed exhibits and text for the historic home and studios of artist J. Alden Weir, considered the father of American Impressionism
Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, Wayside Exhibits
Various State Parks, WA
Role: Exhibit Writer
Description: Researched and developed text for interpretive waysides for four Washington State Parks: Millersylvania State Park; Riverside State Park; Lewis & Clark State Park; and Twanoh State Park. This effort is part of an ongoing Washington State Parks project to commemorate the centennial of President Roosevelt’s New Deal programs, the Civilian Conservation Corps and the Works Progress Administration through updated interpretation in state park with extant Depression-era assets.
Northwest African American Museum, Museum-wide Renovation Concept Study
Seattle, WA
Role: Content Developer and Facilitator
Description: Assisted with developing themes and concepts for renovations and updates to permanent and temporary galleries in conjunction with museum staff and community stakeholders
Project List, Ralph Appelbaum Associates, Inc. (Content Developer and Coordinator)
The Presidio of San Francisco, Heritage Program at the Officers’ Club
San Francisco, CA
Role: Content Coordinator
Chattanooga History Center (museum now closed)
Chattanooga, TN
Role: Content Developer
New Jersey Hall of Fame Mobile Museum
State of New Jersey
Role: Content Coordinator
Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture
Washington, DC
Role: Content Coordinator
S.E.A. Aquarium at ResortsWorld Sentosa
Role: Content Coordinator
IAAM, Initial Concept Study
Charleston, SC
Role: Content Coordinator
NASCAR Hall of Fame
Charlotte, NC
Role: Content Coordinator